In the spirit of the Evans Scholars Foundation’s desire to sending and mentoring caddies from the course, through college and into career, E2:10 Ventures, Inc. has dedicated a team of individuals to impact private club caddies.

In 2022, GVCC members embarked to start a booster club to bring additional opportunity to the caddie program. With over $20,000 in donations, the program provided 30 Rangefinders for caddie use, Caddyshack Updates, scholarships for two graduating seniors (Sophia Pung & Justin Kleeve), additional spotter base pay, and a food program to feed the kids for those long tournament days. In 2023, the year will be abbreviated due to the course shut down, but we would like to raise $8,000 for spotter pay, caddie food, and additional scholarships to outgoing seniors.
Caddie Scholarship Recipients

Sophia Pung
Graduating Senior

Justin Kleeve
Graduating Senior